One of our goals as we come back to the States every year is to do Inductive Bible Study seminars. So we were happy to be able to do a seminar at High Sierra Fellowship June 21-25. I believe what the church in general needs is to really start studying God’s word. The reading and studying of the Bible is not solely given to pastors and teachers, but God desires to speak to all people through His world.
It was a great time as about 15

people gathered for the seminar. We had a great time of fellowship and growing in the understanding of the Bible. I hope next year, and the following years, that we are able to do many more seminars like this. Now, as we approach our departure date, our thoughts are again turning back towards doing seminars in Russia. Please pray that the Lord would open doors for us to do seminars in Russia, and that He would lead and guide us as we seek His will. Also keep in prayer when we come back next year that the Lord would also prepare us, give us wisdom, open doors, and bless us in our ministry. Thank you, may the Lord be with you.

I bet it was nice to teach in English this time! Did Svetta feel left out?