We are now on the last leg of the journey here in the States. We have spent the last three months in Gardnerville, Nevada, and are now in Cortez, Colorado. Next week we will be off to Colorado Springs and Denver until we leave on August 17th. The date of our departure is quickly approaching, but not before we have some fun in the sun with family.
My aunt and uncle (Tara and Chip), with their two children Zenda and Alex, have moved from Idaho to the ranch house in Cortez. This is good for us because we were not able to spend much time with them when they lived in Idaho because it was so out of the way. They will be taking over the property and turning it into quite the little farm with cows, chickens, gardens, and so on. You can keep them in prayer that their business will take off in this area.
We have been here for almost a

week and are having a good time. My cousins are 12 and 9 years old and are good kids that are fun to be around. We are really enjoying our time with them and their big beautiful dog Balla. She is a Great Pyrenees. We have spent a lot of time working, but have also made sure to have some fun.

One day I decided to try to make something I saw online called a Swedish Stove.

Basically it is a stump split only about three quarter of the way down with wedges in it. You start a fire on top and as it burns it starts to burn down the middle of the stump and you have a little stove-top. I didn’t do it quite right and split the log the whole way, but it was still fun playing with fire and making smors. On Thursday we all went out on Tara and Chip’s boat. Svetta really enjoyed it because when she was young her family had a boat and used to go hunting and fishing on the boat all the time. It brought back some good old memories.

Tuesday we will be heading up to Colorado Springs with my aunt Lisa. We will be meeting with her church up there and hopefully that will turn into a close and fruitful relationship. You can keep both the traveling mercies and church meeting in prayer.
I can’t believe we will be leaving soon, but I am excited to get to ministering in Russia! I know the Lord has good things in store for us and the ministry in Russia. Thank you for all your prayers and support, without which we would not be able to minister. You are a crucial part of our ministry team and an example of the body of Christ working together for the kingdom. Please continue in your ministry to us as we continue in our ministry in Russia.
I rescued this humming bird from
the garage and nourished it back to
life with sugar water.click here to see more pictures
Looks like fun!