This seminar was very timely and needed for me. The correct picture of the puzzle began to take shape in a more accurate, vivid, and understandable way. I was able to see God’s message and understand the meaning that God wanted to convey to us. The key now is to go home and practice it. This will be a real help in my future ministry. I will definitely us this at home, in home groups, and in church. The Word of God has become much clearer, more consistent, and closer to my heart! Thank you, for your necessary ministry! Let our God anoint you even more. God bless you!
Nicholas Tregubetsky.
I learned a lot from the seminar about how to study the Bible, but most importantly I learned how to teach Biblical truths to others. It was a huge blessing to learn this method. It gave me a fresh look on many things. I like that in class we were encouraged to dig in and do a complete study of the Scriptures, causing us to think and strive ourselves to learn from the Word.
Sergei Zaitsev.
Thank you! This was a great blessing! The Word of God was opened to the fullness. I love how the Bible explains itself and how it keeps you from going away from the Truth, to one side or the other.
Ivan Girbasov.
Thanks for your seminars! This is a very useful and necessary course, encouraging Christians to study the Scriptures, showing how to conduct this study in a home group and helping us to correctly teach the Word of God. I am definitely going to put what I have learned here into practice.
Sergei Hlusevich.
This course has helped me to read the Word of God in a different way and understand what it says. Before this workshop I had never tried to divide the text into parts. Now I see great need of this method of study and how it can be applied to my future ministry.
Alexander Shustov.
Thank you! Your seminars are really necessary for a lot of Christians; they will help many to better understand the Word of God. What I have learned here will help to lead home groups, prepare for a sermon, to apply the Word my life. I especially like learning about the different genres of the books of the Bible, previously I didn’t give that much value. I have become firmly convinced of the need to consistently study the Bible inductively.
Andrei Lebedev.
This workshop was a great blessing to me. I found it very interesting and informative. I believe that the methodology and knowledge gained during this course will give good results in the lives of many who are getting ready to serve. And most importantly - I found an effective way to study Scripture, and a great desire to know the Lord.
Andrew Gerovsky.
This seminar on "Fundamentals of Inductive Bible study" has given me everything necessary to prepare a high-quality sermon, the ability to see the relationship that books, chapters and verses have to each other, as well as the relationship between the Old and New Testament. It is great to see how the Bible explains itself as you research it. This is what I got, and I will use it always!
Yuri Reznichenko.
The seminar gave me a lot. Before today I did not know how to study the Bible and sometimes the Bible seemed boring and not interesting because of the fact that I did not always understand it. Now my approach to studying the Bible has changed. A desire to study the Word has appeared in my heart, and the fear of not understanding has left. I have a desire to teach people how to study the Word of God. Thank God that I attended this workshop.
Elena Kurakova.
I am glad that this teaching of a coherent study method of the Bible was brought to our seminary. This brought a foundation for a deeper and clearer understanding of God's word, which is just what I lacked. I could not get enough! I thank God and thank the people who participate in this ministry that helps us to look at the word of God in a different way. Thank you!
Cyril Zhuikov.
That thanks can be extended to all of you that pray and support us in our ministry at ICM Russia! Thank you for providing the possibility to give people this crucial knowledge. Imagine not being able to study the Bible and being bored because the Living Word is not living in your life. Many people in Russia and the world are in this position and it is our goal at Intensive Care Ministries to meet this intense need. Please continue to pray for us and as the Lord leads support us in our ministry.
All these comments renew my excitement about studying the Word!