Last month God opened the door for Andrey and Sveta to make the first steps towards that goal. An apartment in Anisomovo opened up right next to where we want build the church. So Andrey and Sveta heard the calling of the Lord, sold their apartment in Cherepovets and bought the apartment in Anisomovo.

A few weeks back the ICM team gathered together in Anisomovo for a time of fellowship and blessing the Sorokin family in their new adventure. We had a great time swimming, talking, eating and hanging out with friends. We do not get together as a team like this very often and it was quite a treat to be all in one place. I was glad to able to hang out with and get to know certain members of the team more personally. I look forward to the next time we are able to gather as a team like this again.

“‘Not by might nor by power, but My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.”
- Pray that the people would respond the gospel and be saved.
- That Andrey would have the wisdom and discernment to know what the Lord is telling him as he gets more involved with ministering there.
- For the time being Andrey is driving 200 km from Anisomovo to Cherepovets and back every week to lead worship. Please pray that he would continue to have the strength to do this and that the Lord would raise someone up to take his place.
- Also Andrey's mom is suffering from multiple sclerosis and Andrey has moved her to Anisomovo to take care of her. Please keep her in prayer, that her last years before she goes to heaven would be painless and peaceful. Keep Andrey in prayer as he is going to have to deal with her getting worse, pray that he would have the strength needed to deal with this.
- That we would have over all wisdom and discernment on how to do the whole project in Anisomovo: the church, youth, possible youth camp, training center, and elderly home.

Breakfast at Olga's grandmother's old house.

Visiting Sveta at work.

Checking out the Sorokin's new pad.

Checking out their new bathroom.

Hanging out with Olga's youngest nephew Daniel.

Shashleek!! :)

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