As you may know, to run a center for kids there are many needs that have to be provided for. There are times when that support comes for unexpected places. There are a couple old grandmas in Cherepovets that give from their pensions, their time, and their gardens. They give warm sox and mittens they have knitted, berries and jam from their gardens, and even finances from their small pensions for food. This has been a great help to the Light of Hope Center, and it reminds me of the story about Jesus watching people giving their gifts to the Lord. There were some rich people that gave loads of money reveling in the sound of many coins falling into the box, and then a small old widow put in a coin so small the sound was not noticed. Jesus however rejoiced more in the sound of that one coin than in the many sounds of the coins from the rich, because she sacrificed her whole livelihood to the Lord as an act of worship.
As you know Andrey has been working with the teenagers at the shelter. He wanted to teach them how to be grateful and to put a face to the people that has been blessing them so abundantly, as well as say thank you. So we all piled into a couple cars and went Pelegeia’s apartment for tea and fellowship. At first the kids where quite shy, but it did not take long till they all took turns saying thank you and asked Pelegeia questions. She is well into her 80’s and had stories about World War II. The kids were very interested in what she had to say. After a couple hours of tea, and fellowship we prayed and gave the kind ladies back their tranquility.
It is hard to reach these kids; they have been immersed in the world since they were old enough to know what was going on around them. But I think through encounters like this the Lord can reach in and get a hold of their hearts. Please keep these nice ladies in prayer, thanking the Lord for their sacrifice and for their blessing, as well as for the teens that they would abandon the world and all that has got such a tight grip on them. These wonderful ladies have been so faithful to invest the little they have been given wisely for the kingdom. This was a great encouragement to them and a way to show them what their gifts are going to. It is important to also give these elderly ladies a sense of purpose and accomplishment, as we thank them for their service. Examples like this are a great encouragement to me to continue and give more of myself to serve the Lord. We have so much we can offer, whether it be financially, prayerfully, emotional, through words of wisdom, or just a kind word. I thank you so much for all that you have already taken part in through your prayers and finances. I encourage you to continue in the fight, please keep supporting us in prayer or however you feel lead, to help us to minister to these kids, these wonderful ladies, and the needy people of Russia and the former Soviet Union.

That is special. It is encouraging to see Grandmas still willing to do what they can to serve the Lord.