Last week there was no school. So we used this time to put together a program for the teens and children at our Light of Hope Center. Olga and Andrey decided to pick the theme “The Miracles We Take for Granted.” We used videos, activities, games, and the Word to show the kids that the things we take for granted; like the ability to walk, see, hear, love, and even life; are gifts from God. Therefore we need to be thankful and give Him the glory in and for our lives. We did two programs, a three day camp outside the city at a Christian orphanage for the teenagers, and one for the children in the city in the mornings at a nearby youth center. I spent the week bouncing back and forth between the two programs, spending the morning at the children’s center and the afternoons at the teenager's camp.

We designed our activities to show what it would be like not to be able to see, or hear and how hard life would be with everything you would miss. It did not take long for the kids to realize and become grateful for their eyes, ears, legs, and arms that work, allowing them to see, hear, walk, and feel. We then tried to show them what a miracle it is to feel love from others, and have love for others. Using this concept to show that it is better to help, be kind, and be careful with your words, rather than waste this gift from God hurting each other with our actions and words.

Most of these kids don’t have any example of true love and have a hard time feeling loved or loving others at home. They are taught only to answer evil for evil and pain for pain. As I watch the way they treat each other so cruelly and harshly, I realize that this is a sign of how hurt and insecure they are. I know that when they leave the center they are instantly surrounded by friends, family and influences that are hostile to love and truth. The only thing that has the power to change anyone’s heart in this hostile world is the love of Christ. It is our desire to teach, show, give, and be an example of this love to them. I know that through
the patient ministry of prayer and the Word we will be able to reach these kids' hearts for Jesus. Jesus longs to welcome these kids into His kingdom, waiting for them with open arms like a mother hen trying to protect her chicks.
I thank those of you who continue to help our ministry in prayer and support. Please continue to pray for these kids that they would open their hurting hearts to Jesus, and that we would have the love and wisdom to reach them.

click here to see more pictures
The children are so precious and I will keep them in prayer.