This October Alexey was blessed to go teach another seminar in the Priluki, Ukraine. Two churches came together to learn how to study God’s Word inductively; Calvary Chapel Priluki, pastored by Vlad Romanenko, and the Salvation Church, pastored by Vladimir Ishchenko. About 100 people came and listened to the Word. He also had the privilege to lead a seminar in a prison. During the trip there was a strong presence of the Lord. People were sincerely interested in learning the Word and were very inspired. Here's what some of them wrote it in their reviews.
All the services were great! Everything was clear and understandable. Thank you. God's blessings.
I liked the workshops. I really received a lot. I realized that I had read the Wordmany times and never noticed the simple plan of God. I received answers to questions that I had often asked God and received confirmation. God bless you.
Warsaw, Natalia.
I express great gratitude to God for these Seminars. They inspired me to further study the Bible and serve people.
Alex Malyshenko.
I really like the inductive method of studying Scripture. This Bible study method is captivating and makes you want to read more and more. Thank God for Intensive Care Ministries! I will pray for you.
Dima Balbuh.
I received a lot of useful information and I think this is a very important and necessary ministry. I only have one thing to say, that these lessons are designed for more mature Christians. It might be good try to keep in mind people who have only recently come to the Lord.
Thank you ICM for this seminar. I think that they are high level, but more importantly still in an accessible form. I have only started reading the Bible recently and liked that brother Alexey did not climb to deep into the jungle and interpretation was provided at an understandable level. I have been assured that the Bible is not just redundant, but an interesting book.
Elena Ponomar
It is our goal at ICM Russia to let everyone meet their Lord through His Word, and to become hungry for more and more of Him. We believe that it is through the simple ministry of the Word that people will be transformed in the renewing of their minds and be able to test and approve God's good, pleasing, and perfect will. As people fellowship with God through solid Bible study, they will grow closer and closer to Him, come to know Him more and more, and, as the Holy Spirit empowers the scriptures, they will come alive in the hearts of believers causing fountains of living water to come flowing out of them. Thank you for joining us in our ministry. Please continue to minister with us as we continue to train people how to use the precious and mighty spiritual weapon they have been given.