Eleven people came to our morning class and three to our evening. Everyone was eager to learn and enjoyed learning how to ask for each other’s names, ask how are you, and how to respond. It is a little humorous which sounds they have trouble with, but I still think they have it easier than anyone learning Russian.
Igor and I are sharing the teaching time and covering for each other when one has to miss. It is interesting trying to teach together, and I have a lot to learn about teaching this language. We are working through a great book we found in St. Petersburg and with some help from the Lord soon we will have a fully equipped and dangerous mission team that can spread the words of Jesus throughout the world in more than one language. It is a huge privilege for me to be able to do this. We have a great group of students, and I am sure they will soon be speaking English better than I speak Russian.
It will probably improve your Russian, too as you all learn to exchange thoughts and ideas.