
Serving Jesus with Intensive Care Ministries Russia, spreading revival through teaching Inductive Bible Study Seminars, starting churches, working with orphans and at risk kids to build a stronger church in Russia.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Light of Hope Church and Homegroup

Homegroup Taken a little while ago.
Svetta and I have been blessed to be able to do more seminars since we came back to Russia. Finally we are starting to feel like ministry is moving forward, which encourages us all the more to continue on and further confirms the calling that we have to bring solid Bible teaching to Russia. As we have traveled these last few months, we have seen the desperate need for the ministry of ICM!

We have not only been encouraged by the seminars. We have also been teaching a home group every Tuesday. Abner and I have also been taking turns teaching on Sundays. The home group is going through the book of Acts and on Sunday we are going through the book of Colossians.

The Latest Homegroup Picture
The home group is held at the apartment of Nelya and Sasha Borisov. It is the same group of people that came to the group we held in my apartment before we went to America last summer. We have seen the gradual affect that solid Bible study has had on them. Those that come regularly have a hunger for the word awakened in them, and they have become more confident in their faith.

The church has not grown in number much since it started, but the people have grown in a similar way as the home group. There has been some resistance to sections of scripture that reveal incorrect doctrines, which have been widespread through the church in Russia for a long time, but over all people are growing in faith. Abner has a strong burden to free people from the religion and legalism that has bound the Russian church. He strongly believes in the power of the Word. Since Abner works a job and pastors, he has asked me to take turns with him teaching on Sundays. Svetta and I were glad to step in.

God’s word is moving forward. We are interested to see what is ahead as we go to America this summer. Our desire is to be able to finance at least one seminar a month in Russia and assist in the church as much as possible. Our monthly income will need to increase and we are praying for more people and churches to partner with us to meet the expenses of our goal. We are very grateful for those who have supported us in prayer and financially the past three and a half years and we are excited to see what the Lord has in store for the future.
Abner worshiping the Lord on Sunday.
Food and Fellowship after the homebroup Bible study.

Nely the blini chef.
Ira and Abner's cute little daughter Natalia.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

IBS In St. Petersburg

Last week, it was our great pleasure to do an IBS seminar in Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg. On Sunday the fourth Svetta and I went to both Central and South Calvary Chapels to make an announcement about the seminar. It was great to come back and see people that I had known while I lived in St. Pete in 2008-2009 and went to CC Central. After spending three days back in Cherepovets working, we returned on Wednesday with Alexey to do the seminar on Thursday and Friday. In Russia, March 8 is Women’s Day, so they had a three day weekend. We used that opportunity to do a two day seminar.

There was a huge difference between the people at this seminar, compared to the people we usually encounter at Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Baptist churches in Russia. Like in the States, Calvary Chapel in Russia puts a lot of emphasis on the teaching of the Word, and as a result, the people that go there are more grounded. However, people are still not used to studying the Bible and thinking for themselves.

One of the difficulties of or our ministry is that we are not only trying to teach people to study the Bible, but how to look at the text and pull out truth that cannot be seen at first glance. Learning how to study the Word requires work, but it is worth it! Once the participants were able to dig into the Scriptures themselves, the Bible came alive like never before and their Christian walk became much deeper.

Everyone was encouraged by the ministry of the Word and the personal application we received. Pastor Dima has invited us to come back to do more seminars, possibly to do the second course, and to attend a pastor’s conference that will hopefully open new contacts. We look forward to working together to equip God’s people to grow in their relationship with Him and to raise new Christian Bible teachers.
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